“Celebrate the Horse” Fundraiser Event & Chili Cookoff
November 4, 2023
Rancho Milagro Foundation’s annual year-end fundraiser to bring awareness to the work we do and impact we have in our communities.
We welcome you out to enjoy friendship, entertainment, compete in a chili cookoff, and hear stories of hope! Proceeds to benefit equine assisted therapy programs for underprivileged youth, veterans, and first responders.

Milagro Stallions
2023 DATES!
January 21st
February 18th
March 25th
April 22nd
May 27th
Milagro Stallions meet once a month at the Ranch to experience horses, build confidence, trust, and character. We build an environment that allows kids to organically interface with the outdoors. All electronics are put down and good coping skills are picked up. This is a life-changing program for kids from all backgrounds. Attend one of our Summer Camps in Flagstaff, Arizona.